
Girl’s Life Comes Full Circle:  Designer, Writer, Photographer

123 Main Street,

Anytown, USA

Michele is a fiesty, fierce, straight-talking city slicker who had Alaska on her bucket list. Then, she got a call from a news director who offered her a job and she picked up and moved herself and her family 4,000 miles away to a small town where no one understood her east coast ways and, because she was an outsider and a reporter, were skeptical.

The job was eliminated and she wasn’t ready to leave yet. She was enjoying the spectacular beauty that mesmerized her and the outdoor life she just discovered. She did try to leave Alaska for her career and packed — several times — and even started planning for law school. But, God had other plans. Michele’s family grew and she wanted to spend more time with them.

So, what’s a brilliant, talented, fiesty, adventurous girl to do with so little options for advancement in the thing she loves to do? A natural writer, Michele had started her college career as a fashion design, then interior design, then architecture major. She loved pretty things — especially clothes — and she wanted to make them. But, a college architecture professor told her she was a better writer. So, she changed majors again, and schools, again, for the best journalism school. In the years in between starting and graduating from college, the internet was invented and web design was a new way for her to make pretty things and still write. Being the investigative journalist that she is, she sought out some of the best web design and graphic design programs. She found a school near Seattle that would help her nourish her talents and learn new skills.

Michele is about to graduate with another degree. This time, it will be an Associate’s degree in web design and graphics. She looks forward to blending all of her talents and skills to design, write and photograph as a career.

Michele is a mother, a daughter, a friend, a lover and follower of Jesus and a natural writer, designer and photographer.  She has been reading and writing for as long as she can remember.  She loves being active in politics.  All of these aspects of her life have shaped who she is and influenced the stories she writes.  Her winding road from design to journalism to design (and writing) again converges in her company, Michele White Design.  More than that, in her personal life, her winding road through life — through uphill battles, low valleys, dark storms and dry deserts — has been redeemed by God and it leads straight to His Heart.  Whatever road she takes, she is always home.

This is her place to write about the issues that churn in her spirit and the people in those stories. Her hope is that they inspire readers to think, to act and ultimately, to find compassion and love for people in this journey we all share called life.


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