Social Media Marketing

The best way to assess the success of my efforts to engage using social media is to see the content I created and the connections I made in this class.  I was stretched to do things I hadn’t done before, like using an infographic to make a social media plan, rather than a document and rather than using infographics for short, simple graphics.  I also always have enjoyed the work of my classmates.  Their critiques and their own art inspired me to do different things, like that infographic plan, when I would have normally used words because I love to write.

I learned about the Twitter Chat, even though I was not able to attend it.  My business has not really taken off yet. I still have to design a logo and get a license and all the logistics but I have a good plan to market it when I have set it up.  I learned about the colors that represent my business well. Thank you, Renne!  That was the biggest inspiration because from there, I can start designing a logo.  But, most of all, I have tools and confidence that I didn’t have before this class.  The precision of the plan we created was very helpful in seeing how all the tools work together — blogging, creating events, planning daily, weekly and monthly and collaborating with partners.  I’ve read a lot of articles and the books and it will all be running around in my head when I sit down to perfect my social media marketing plan for Michele White Creative.



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