Importance of Storytelling in Social Media

Storytelling is critical to Social Media marketing because it’s the language of the heart.  People are moved by a person’s story. It creates empathy and it is more memorable than facts and figures.

Telling those stories requires good pictures and videos.  According to an article, “The Importance of Storytelling on Social Media,” on

“Research has shown that visuals increase people’s willingness to read content by 80%
Content with relevant images gets 94% more views
65% of senior marketing executives believe visuals are core to how their brand story is communicated.”

Just as important as visual appeal is making a personal connection with the reader, putting yourself in their shoes.  Social media posts that best tell a story are short blog-type posts that create context and give viewers a behind-the-scenes look at your day,  your product, your persona.  And that uniqueness sells, too, so it should be part of your social media package.

Bryan Eisenberg, professional marketing speaker, says “Facts tell, but stories sell.”

That’s because the power of storytelling is universal and timeless.  In, Kaitlynn Hammond gives 7 essential element of good storytelling, citing The Power of Visual Storytelling, by Ekaterina Walter and Jessica Gioglio.  These include:   imagining a personality for your product and talking to an audience of one.   Also, explaining the usefulness of your brand or product in your story solves a problem the client or customer may have, and thereby, creates a connection with your audience.

I began my business when I became a single mom and wanted to use my writing skills to work from home.  I had worked as a reporter for years and I had been hired as a freelancer to write web content and corporate newsletters for a company in town.  I knew if I had that missing piece of web design, I could sell the whole package.  And voila, a new career was born after the birth of my youngest daughter.  It was not without hard work and sacrifice but the motivation of my little family got me through the hard times.

Photography by Michele White.

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The Importance of Using Storytelling in Your Marketing Efforts



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