Young Living Advocate

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a fanatic about using only natural, non-toxic and primarily organic products from what I put into my body to what I put on my body.  And given that I’ve developed eczema and a few contact allergies in the last few years, I’m even more sensitive to what I put on my body than ever before.  I became a Young Living essential oils distributor to support my natural, clean living habit but I love talking about the products as well.  I use them to do an internal cleanse, boost my immune system, do my laundry, clean my house, purify the air in my house, brush my teeth and recently, even my non-toxic make-up products.


Sarah Harnisch — another broadcast professional turned Young Living business building distributor — teaches Essential Oils 101 here.  She has more knowledge than I do and I love both listening to lessons and her perfect diction.

Ever the storyteller, I give samples of the products to friends.  And when someone around me is sick, I always recommend Thieves essential oil, a blend of essential oils of spices that — as legend has it — the thieves used during the Plague when they were stealing the jewels off of corpses.  There is an oil for everything:  sinus issues, skin issues, digestion, migraines, muscle pain, calming and soothing, fighting germs and disease.

If you haven’t heard of Young Living, here is a link to browse.  Let me know what you think and of course, if you need to stock up or you want to join my team!

Young Living Essential Oils




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