Future of Social Media Apps

Social Media Marketing is critical to every business.  But, picking the right one that fits your business and targets your audience is just as critical.  Once that is established and good social media marketing plan is developed, it’s time to get creative in branching out. I think the future of social media will include even more growth of social media platforms, apps and niche markets.

I am a firm believer in competition in the marketplace.  And the big social media and technology companies, like Facebook, Youtube and Google, should not be exempt from healthy competition — especially given their stronghold in social media has even had a stranglehold on the Constitutional rights of users and their content.

I think these big companies are getting backlash from users who have been censored for their conservative and/or Christian posts and shadow banned.  These companies may have gotten away with it for a long time but it just opens the market to newcomers and some oversight — what is happening now — the development of an Internet Bill of Rights.


The ending of a business is part of the growth cycle of a business.  This allows new technology companies to come forward and shine and fit the demands of consumers.  I hope that is where the future of social media apps is going.  I don’t think the social media giants are going away but they may take a back seat to some new creative companies.

I would also advise clients to use their own web site to create and post their content to not only protect their copyright but their freedom of speech without harassment.  I would start creating my own apps for myself and my clients and connecting with like-minded businesses.  Those small networks may grow to bigger ones, as Facebook did.  I think the little guys will rise up in social media technology.  That is refreshing!  Imagine the ingenuity, creativity, content and freedom from censorship that will bring!

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