Press Releases

The kind of events that interest me are ones that involve my passions in life:  parenting, faith photography, politics and writing.  Parenting is my full-time job and any family event or educational event for parents will always be my top priority.  My church events are usually included in this.  We usually have a class for a few weeks before church service where we go over a book by a Christian author.  Sometimes, those books are Christian parenting books.  I enjoy the teaching, fellowship and support at these events.

It’s an election year so political events and fundraisers are a close second. I’m on the board of the Midnight Sun Republican Women’s Club. I handle all of the social media messaging, graphic design for invitations and now, web content, so our events are a big part of my life. We educate women who want to run for office in Anchorage about the election process.

The purpose of a press release is to inform and educate but also to market your information, your product or your event.  It should be well-written and concise so people will read it.  They are typically written for reporters and sent to newsrooms to encourage those reporters to give them some publicity with a story.  But, they can also be written by companies and sent to their customers as a way to promote a new product or keep them informed and to keep up their name recognition.  In Alaska, the governor’s press releases are posted on the state’s web page and previous governors’ press releases are archived.

Participating in events and activities helps build community and advocate your brand in ways nothing else can.  When I was a reporter, I made appearances at community events on behalf of the station to build community with our viewers.  Today, social media is a big part of building community and it happens on a daily basis.  Facebook Live is an effective tool for creating events, building community and advocating for your brand.  I watch a lot of “live” broadcasts on Facebook, like Jay Sekulow and the American Center for Law and Justice.  I also have a few friends in ministry who use Facebook Live and Periscope to reach people who cannot attend their events in person.  And I trained with the nutritional company I am advocate for with Facebook Live.

Second Life is a virtual world where I want to become savvy and learn to build community and advocate my brand.  This year, I’ve taken a full-time class schedule and so I haven’t had the time to explore Second Life but I will this summer.

Currently, I am using my Facebook and Twitter pages to advocate my brand Michele White Creative.  I posted links to my video projects on my YouTube page and to my Behance site for my photography and graphic design work.

Have a look!

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