Branding Michele White Creative

According to the statistics and focus of the many social media platforms, the best social media platforms to reach my target audience are Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and to a lesser extent, Google +.  Because most of my work now is visual: photographs, graphic design, infographics, the best content to actively engage my audience on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram would be using my illustrations and images with short, concise teases, or tweets, to entice my audience to look at more of my work.  On LinkedIn, the best content would involve both images and text in the form of my storytelling.  Once I start building web sites, all of these platforms will still be excellent platforms to market my business, particularly for its reach and its communication utility with customers.  I  started a professional Facebook page when I was a reporter, where I teased my daily stories and invited viewer feedback.  Even though I’ve been off the air for more than a year, I still get requests from people to add me to my page.

YouTube is also a perfect fit for my videography and I have already started using my YouTube page to showcase my video work and storytelling.  My content should be short and captivating and inspiring to keep my audience and inspire them to subscribe to my channel after they land on my page.

Google+ is the one I am not as confident in using but I will figure it out and see how it fits as my business evolves.




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