Mini-Documentary Project Transmedia Curation

I want these blogs posts to compel the viewer to watch my videos and engage with them. My goal is to shoot and edit compelling images, captivating people and an inspiring story to engage my viewers.  I’m not sure how I would weave Pinterest into the marketing but I will certainly use my YouTube and Facebook pages to market them and post them on my own professional web site to further market them.

I have scheduled two half days to film at the school next week to be able to get b-roll of all of the teachers and specialist teachers and outdoor recess shots.  Pacific Northern Academy was ranked #10 by The Best Schools in their Top 50 Private Elementary Schools survey.  It ranked just after the renowned Maret School in Washington D.C.  To build excitement about this project, please check out Best Schools’ description of the school:

The Best Schools’ Top 50 Private Elementary Schools in the U.S.

and Pacific Northern Academy‘s web site.


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